Programming Courses for Kids and SG Code Campus

The trend of programming is increasing in the corporate sector in Singapore these days. Programming is one of the best sources to build a wonderful career. On the other hand, the programming also provides the sharpened brains, which is why it gives the good career the fields other than computers passively. 

Today, the parents like to give the programming training to their kids from the very beginning. It makes the base of the kids strong, plus it gives a perfect exercise to the brains of the kids, so they can succeed in any area. This is why, the concept of kids learning center Singapore is flourishing these days. 

In the kids learning centers in Singapore, the coding is taught to them from the initial stage. It is not that your kids go the institutes and they are directly assigned the computer. As a matter of the fact, they are taught coding through scratch and after some time, they sit in front of computer in order to become the kid coders Singapore

SG Code Campus is one of the big names in this regard. It offers the courses in two age groups, which are 8-11 and 12-16. Both these courses have four levels, which can be read as following.

Course for Age Group 8 to 11

At the age group 8 to 11, the classes are given to the students at the initial level. They are taught the programming from scratch. Some products made up of plastic are used at this level in the beginning, which gives the brief idea to the children about programming. The four levels of courses, which the kids get at this level include:

Level I: In this level, the course is started through scratch and snap. It is arranged at holidays and at regular schedules. 

Level II: Intermediate programmes in appinventor are the part of this level. The classes at this level can also be found at the holidays and at regular schedules. 

Level III: This is an advanced appinventor course and it is being offered on September 2016.

Level IV: Python basics through minecraft are taught at this level, and in the year 2016, it is going to be taught in the month of December. 

Course for Age Group 12 to 16

The course for the teenagers from the age group 12 to 16 is also available at four levels. These levels include the following.

Level I: Python fundamentals with minecrafts are taught at this level. It is taught at holiday and regular schedule.

Level II: It is a regular schedule programme with python abstraction with pygame. This programme is for the regular schedules. 

Level III: Python mobile app programming is taught at this level. It is going to be offered in the month of September in the year 2016.

Level IV: Artificial intelligence and data science are the themes of level IV.  It has been scheduled on November 2016.

It is hoped that your kids will get the ideal programming education in SG Code Campus.


  1. Thank you for such an amazing & informative article, it usually a step towards a brighter future.
    Programming for Kids


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